What I do on Sunday, would be do all my homework that I procrastinated through the weekend, Sleep a lot, hang with friends, eat a lot, watch t.v. 





My favorite food during Thanksgiving would have to be the turkey. The turkey is my favorite food because when you think of Thanksgiving, the first thing you think of is the turkey. 
The changes we made to the interactive floor, is that we had to change where we placed the projector and the mirror, due to not being able to drill in the ceiling becausse we hit metal. now the projecter is 
The Architectural Structure Style I like best is the Roman style architecture,  
Wake up, roll out of bed, make my bed, put on a sweatshirt, sweat pants, go eat breakfast and have coffee. get dressed to impress, make sure all homework is done and in book bag, and anything necessary for school is there. Have cell phone charged, wallet, 
If I had an extra room, I would put in a bowling room..
This is the map we made to help the Junior Honor's Society. 

Angry Birds is my favorite app because it is hard yet fun to beat, and there are multiple levels and multiple games related to it. 
What I learned from Thursday's lecture was that even if you  go to major in one thing you might end up doing another thing once you are in a job. (may be similar, but not actually)